Waiting v2

March 6th, 2008 + 3:03 PM  ·  WaM

Following from my earlier post this is the 2nd version of the song "waiting" that I am working on sans vocals.

New tune

March 6th, 2008 + 3:03 PM  ·  WaM

A couple of weeks ago I posted a song called "waiting for" (http://forum.bandamp.com/Audio_Review/6106.html) which was very rough and had a lot of mix and mastering to be done.  I decided to start from scratch and came up with a fairly different sounding track but I wasn't happy with the lyrics and vocals. To try and sort this out I started again with an even more stripped down version of the song but it took on a life of its own. Nothing seemed to work right until eventually about half an hour ago a new tune and lyric was born. guitar is fairly roughly patched together and vocal is very "off" because its so new but I thought I would see what people think.

Waiting for

February 20th, 2008 + 8:02 AM  ·  WaM

Lots to fix but sounds ok through my headphones but crap through my speakers. Hoping that its my speakers that are crap!

Playing Live

February 19th, 2008 + 4:02 AM  ·  WaM

There is such a range of musicians on this site I am curious how many of you play live on a regular basis, be it local pubs, concerts, whatever. I am also curious about the music scene in the various places people live, ie how hard is it to get gigs, expectations etc.

I am in Port Elizabeth, South Africa and live gigging consists almost entirely of cover bands. At best the pub owners will allow maybe two original numbers in a ten song set. Personally I don't do covers except for my own interpretations which upsets the patrons who want you to sound like Bryan Adams!! 

Professional scene for original music in SA is very limited and only a handful of bands actually get themselves heard (except for particularly local genres like kwaito and afirkaans music which is way out of my line). I want to start doing open mic nights just for the experience but building my confidence and technique first (I'm still at the miss every third chord stage but practicing hard).

Love to hear from you all (particularly Australia as my family and I are fleeing the power outages in SA, hopefully by the end of the year). 

against the world

February 15th, 2008 + 11:02 AM  ·  WaM

me with yet another unfinished song!! I've have been trying really hard to get a more complete song together and this is as far as I have gotten. There is still a another verse, bridge and chorus to add. Please could I have some opinion as to how to get the mix better, every time I think I've got this FL mixer thing down something else sounds out of wack! Vocals are a first take trying to get a feel for the song.
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